Saturday, 27 July 2024, 10:24

Online booking

Learn Chinese (Mandarin / Cantonese) in London

Language you would like to learn: Mandarin     Cantonese
Course: Corporate Training
Private Tuition
Children Courses
School Courses
Course format: One to One
Two to One
Group of 3 to 5
Group of 6 to 10

Choose the length of your Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) course:

We generally suggest a 2-hour class either once or twice a week as this is the most effective learning schedule, but you are free to pick and choose your own timetable once you book.

10 hours Chinese course in London

20 hours Chinese course in London

30 hours Chinese course in London

50 hours Chinese course in London

70 hours Chinese course in London

100 hours Chinese course in London


Please note that your language training will usually take a minimum of 2 days to organise.

Course details

Course start date:
Lesson frequency:
Lesson time:
Lesson duration:
Number of students:  
Course location: At my home
At my work
At teacher's home
Public venue

Your details and request

First name: *
Surname: *
Organisation / Company name: *
Email: *
Phone: *
Service required:
What is your level in the target language?  
Do you want to be entered on our database?
How did you hear about us?

Any other comments


:: Latest client list

London Private Mandarin Course
 London Chinese Lesson