Saturday, 27 July 2024, 10:40

Business Mandarin 3

Express Satisfaction and Praise

1. 洽谈中请你们多加关照。
qià tán zhōng qǐng nǐ men duō jiā guān zhào.
I'd appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation.

2. 我们很高兴能与贵公司建立贸易往来。
wǒ men hěn gāo xìng néng yǔ guì gōng sī jiàn lì mào yì wǎng lái.
We would be glad to start business with you.

3. 你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的印象。
nǐ men jīng yíng yè wù de fāng fǎ gěi wǒ liú xià le hěn shēn de yìn xiàng.
I'm impressed by your approach to business.

4. 我认为你们的产品可以使你们胜过竞争对手。
wǒ rèn wéi nǐ men de chǎn pǐn kě yǐ shǐ nǐ men shèng guò jìng zhēng duì shǒu.
The product gives you an edge over your competitors, I guess.

5. 就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。
jiù zhì liàng ér rán, méi yǒu rèn hé chǎng jiā néng hé wǒ men xiāng bǐ.
No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.

6. 我想也许将来我们可以合作。
wǒ xiǎng yě xǔ jiāng lái wǒ men kě yǐ hé zuò.
I think we may be able to work together in the future.

7. 我们想把生意扩大到中国市场。
wǒ men xiǎng bǎ shēng yì kuò dà dào zhōng guó shì chǎng.
We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market.

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