Saturday, 27 July 2024, 05:52

Courses Format

If you just want to get started quickly, you may find it useful to pick your Mandarin / Cantonese course from the following list of General Tailor-Made Courses. These language courses formats are really nothing more than 'templates' to use when visualising your own training requirements - formats based on intensity, frequency and the number of participants. If you don't see what you're looking for, we're confident it can be arranged so please contact us to let us know.

Chinese Course Format Courses Format
:: One-to-One Intensive Programmes
:: One-to-One Semi-Intensive Programmes
:: One-to-One Weekly / Bi-Weekly Programmes
:: Two-to-One Programmes
:: Small Group Language Programmes

One-to-One Intensive Programmes

Not just for the busy executive, intensive one-to-one programmes simply give you the utmost flexibility in terms of your needs and availability. If you opt to take your programme intensively, we'll be able to recommend an ideal maximum for your level, and suggest ways of varying content to maintain efficiency. We sometimes use two trainers to provide variety, overlapping the two trainers over lunch to simulate a business meeting or similar small group encounter.

One-to-One Semi-Intensive Programmes

This is a common format if you are away on business, and you can combine, for example, language training in the morning, with real work commitments in the afternoon. As an extra bonus, you can have your trainer to come along to a real business meeting/trade fair/presentation so they actually see you "performing" in your target language. This is about as real as it is possible to make your training programme, so you can imagine it's quite exciting for us. You'll then receive feedback during the next lesson, and you can work together on problem areas. Semi-intensive programmes are also often requested when juggling is required between improving language skills and looking after children or running a business.

One-to-One Weekly / Bi-Weekly Programmes

The same individual approach, but this time training takes on more of a coaching role the more you spread out your sessions. The minimum is once per week for at least 2 hours. This makes the lesson worthwhile, but gives you plenty of time to really work autonomously between sessions. This is the secret to successful and rapid progress and best value, but requires you to knuckle down and adhere to the times you set aside for self study! In this format, your trainer will spend some time each session going through the work you've been preparin, but there will still be plenty of time to push forward and cover new ground.

Two-to-One Programmes

As with one-to-one programmes, you are free to schedule the hours as you wish - intensively or spread over a number of weeks or months. When two people are sharing the same trainer, it's most important that both trainees share the same or very similar level in the language. This applies to work colleagues, couples and children alike. It's also vital that both parties agree on course content - it might be useful to discuss this fully and even sketch out the subjects you'd like to cover, so you both feel the course is beneficial. Provided you have these united objectives, two-to-one courses work out to be much more cost effective too.

Small Group Language Programmes

These are most requested within companies and other organisations, but can also be arranged for families moving away and for groups of friends. Again, consensus needs to be reached on course content, and it's really important that everyone has a similar level. If you have a large number of groups to train, where feasible, we like to come and see you in person to discuss course logistics with you. You might also need us to give a presentation to explain our general approaches and methodologies.

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